Laparoscopic Herniotomy

It is an operation used to treat inguinal hernias and infantile hydrocoeles. A hernia is a lump created by tissue pushing through a weakness or opening in the abdominal wall. Inguinal hernias occur in the groin region. In boys, the testes initially develop in the abdomen. Late in pregnancy, the testes pass through the abdominal wall via the inguinal canal to the scrotum. The path usually closes before, or shortly after birth. When the passage doesn't close, there is a persisting connection between the abdomen and groin. If any tissue pushes through into this opening, it forms an inguinal hernia. Girls have a similar but smaller passage. Inguinal hernias are much less common in girls.

All children diagnosed with an inguinal hernia will need an inguinal herniotomy. There are no non-surgical treatments for inguinal hernias.

In most situations the surgery is performed as an elective operation. Sometimes emergency surgery is required if the hernia becomes incarcerated (stuck). At Gopi Krishna Laser we offer both Laparoscopic and open approach for Herniotomy in children.

In Open surgery a small incision is made in the groin on the side of the hernia. The hernia sac is identified and separated from the vas, and blood vessels to the testis. Any hernia contents are pushed back to where they belong. The sac is divided and tied off. The wound is closed with dissolving stitches.

Open procedure is gradually being replaced by laparoscopic approach because of the distinct advantages of early recovery, short stay and better cosmetic results. Laparoscopic herniotomy is safe, well tolerated and effective procedure with early recovery, short operating time, less postoperative pain, free of complication, shorter post-operative hospital stay and very low recurrence. It can detect contralateral patent processus vaginalis and bilateral closure of it can be done through same approach.