Diagnostic Laparoscopy

It is a surgical diagnostic procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen. It's a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure that requires only small incisions.

Laparoscopy uses an instrument called a laparoscope to look at the abdominal organs. A laparoscope is a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera at the front. The instrument is inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall. As it moves along, the camera sends images to a video monitor.

Laparoscopy allows your doctor to see inside your body in real time, without open surgery. Your doctor also can obtain biopsy samples during this procedure.

Why is laparoscopy performed?

Laparoscopy is often used to identify and diagnose the source of pelvic or abdominal pain. It's usually performed when noninvasive methods are unable to help with diagnosis.

Your doctor may recommend laparoscopy to examine the following organs:

  • appendix
  • gallbladder
  • liver
  • pancreas
  • small intestine and large intestine (colon)
  • spleen
  • stomach
  • pelvic or reproductive organs

When the procedure is part of fertility testing, the doctor is evaluating the structures of the reproductive system, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

Laparoscopy can help a doctor diagnose many conditions that affect fertility, such as:

  • endometriosis
  • blocked fallopian tubes
  • buildups of scar tissue
  • fibroids
  • other abnormalities of the reproductive system

Laparoscopy can also help when a woman has unexplained infertility. This is the diagnosis when results of other diagnostic tests were normal, but a woman is still unable to conceive.

By taking a look at the reproductive organs, the doctor may be able to identify conditions that are preventing conception and are otherwise undetectable.

Compared to other surgical procedures that can help a doctor diagnose the cause of infertility, a laparoscopy involves:

  • less invasive methods
  • a lower risk of infection
  • smaller scars
  • the possibility of correcting the issue during surgery
  • an easier recovery

Also, if a person receives treatment during the procedure, the chances of conceiving may increase right away.

In many cases, a doctor can diagnose and even repair any issues during the laparoscopy.

After the procedure, they will describe the results and present some possible next steps.